What Is The Difference Between A Rotary Carpet Cleaning Machine And A Wand?

Best Carpet Cleaning Surprise AZAT GCS, we will always use a rotary machine to clean your carpets, unless you ask us to use a wand. Why, you ask? Its simple really: a rotary carpet cleaning machine is new technology and the wand is old. Does that mean a wand does not work? No. Its just that we want the best for our customer. A rotary machine is like a floor buffer but is made for cleaning carpet. It has a head that spins around 250rpm that really digs down deep to lift your carpet fibers and clean from every side. Basically its scrubbing, spraying 230 degree water and sucking all the dirty stuff out of the carpeting at the same time. There is always a debate from professionals in the carpet cleaning industry, but i have seen the results time and time again, and the winner is easily ROTARY!